child, happiness and people concept - adorable babyChildren – Pediatric Osteopathy
Children are unique in their special circumstance of continually responding to growth and development, their enormous capacity to change and the way that they live and experience their world. Trauma and illness affect them in different ways than in the adult and thus we must treat them differently in terms of Osteopathic care.

In Pediatrics, we recognize that there are many causes of disease: genetic, neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious, traumatic, psychological etc. Another fundamental “cause” for disorder in a child’s system occurs during the in utero growth and development positioning and the enormously stressful physical process of birth. For example, if the fetus is turned in an unusual position, this may affect the flexibility, size or function of some part of the body. On the other hand if he/she drops low in the mother’s pelvis earlier than expected there can be extra resistance to growth of parts or all of the skull due to the constraints from the maternal bony pelvis. This occasionally increases the chances for Plagiocephally or pre-mature sutural fusion.

Perhaps the most important factor is the birth process. The fetal head and body undergo tremendous pressure forces during the vaginal birth process in order to spread the maternal cervix and bony-ligamentous pelvis, particularly if medications for inducing labor are necessary. The position of descent, the amount of force necessary to accomplish birth, the duration of the process all act as physical guides to changes in the baby’s body relationships and function and may interfere with the normal recuperative processes, such as suckling, digestion and breathing.

Thus a very rapid delivery may have as much impact as a prolonged delivery in upsetting the normal process of unfolding of the skull and the body after birth. Furthermore if the fetus delivers with a hand up by their face, or a cord around the neck etc., or requires necessary obstetrical interventions such as forceps, vacuum extraction and or Cesarean delivery, this may impact the vectors of force that their body has to accommodate and resolve.

17179_1Diagnosis and treatment using Traditional Osteopathy and Osteopathy in the cranial field is designed to evaluate those factors and to help obviate their negative effects or the possibility that they may become deeply established in the system resulting in later health issues. The reason for concern is that the bones and body of the newborn are incompletely formed, quite pliable and mobile. Thus during the birth process which involves a significant amount of folding and twisting, parts of the entire musculoskeletal system and cranium may be come distorted. Why is this an issue? Let’s take one small example. If the twisting of birth affects the condylar parts where the skull rests on the neck, the nerves which lie within them or on either side of them, can have abnormal physical input and function inappropriately.

Some infants cope with a great deal of stress and distortion in their bodies without symptoms. Others develop a variety of problems stemming from dysfunction due to abnormal positioning and relationships of the various parts of the body such as blocked tear ducts secondary to strains on the orbit and nasal septum during birth or reflux, irritability, swallowing and bowel dysfunction, commonly secondary to distortions at the condylar parts of the occiput in the skull base. The nerves for swallowing, tongue function, rest and digest and control of neck musculature all lie within close proximity to the condylar parts. In order to avoid developing some of the common symptoms and issues with which newborns struggle, Osteopathic treatment seeks to help the body alleviate the overall pattern input from the birth process to allow for the infant’s greater health potential.

As children grow akathy3_940x705nd develop, they may express difficulties accomplishing some of their developmental milestones or negotiating social and school demands. There are many other issues related to the factors experienced during the birth process. Birth effects &/or head injuries can fester for long periods of time. In fact, many children with behavioral or learning disabilities could have a history of head trauma which may have gone untreated years prior.



If my child is not acutely “sick”, how do I know that he/she child needs help with something?

Frequently, parents see a change in temperament, appetite, bowel habits, sleep or tolerance for the day-to-day changes in family or school circumstances.  Many parents exclaim that they know its time for a treatment when their child is just plain grumpy and are relieved to see their child return to their usual, appetite, activities and joy for life.  If a child has been treated early on and they are encouraged to express their needs around how their body feels to them, they will often tell their parents that they want to see their Osteopath, even as early as 2 ½ years old.  Most parents will notice that during treatment, their child seems to become more relaxed and comfortable, that is not to say that some children do not cry or squirm around during a visit, particularly when they are acutely ill or if it is developmentally appropriate to have a hard time lying down in the middle of the day.  However, they can be supported by you, with gentle play, reading stories or simply holding hands while they are treated. Often after treatment a child may sleep more than usual, be excessively hungry and sometimes they are more active than usual as they process the various changes occurring throughout their bodies.


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